Thursday, November 25, 2010

Plenty of time to earn a FREE stamp by shopping on my website

CTMH is offering a little bit of THANKS for each of us... you can select an acrylic stamp set of your choosing (* limitations posted on my website) when you purchase $100 in products.  Its your own special sale that you can design,  spend $100 earn the stamp of the month PLUS select an acrylic stamp set of your choosing.   offer ends at the end of November so shop now to make sure your wish is recieved.

a New Day....

WOW Amazing to me how so many days have blown by barely without recognition, with out a jot of a note or a flick of my camera's lens.   Thanksgiving 2010.... what will the holiday season be filled with?  Traditions of yester year ( I hope so), new rituals as we continue to discover the luster of the central coast, new friends, old friends....  we will see..  Im looking forward to the next few months as we transition into the holiday season